Whistleblower provisions are intended to provide parameters, definition, procedures, and protection to those involved in the discovery and or subsequent reporting of violations of the organization’s ethical, fraud control, or conflict of interest policies.
Please use the form below to alert us of concerns of questionable accounting or auditing matters, fraud, breaches of ethics policies, or conflicts of interest perpetrated by an employee, board member, volunteer, vendor, contractor, or other individual doing business with the Kansas City Medical Society Foundation. Please download the full
Whistle-Blower & Anti-Retaliation policy for more details.
Submitted reports will be automatically routed to the current board chair. All information received from the reporting party will be treated as confidential. Every effort will be made to keep the identity of the reporting party confidential, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate and fair investigation.
Tell us your concerns in the box below. Please leave your name and contact information if you have supporting documents or if you would like to be contacted to further discuss your complaint. If you wish to remain anonymous, leave the contact information section blank.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Special thanks to the
John W. & Effie E. Speas Memorial Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
The integrity and transparency of the Foundation’s operations is recognized by