
Health care is changing rapidly. Every day, policy decisions affecting the practice of medicine and the health of our community are being made in legislative bodies and regulatory agencies at the national, state and local levels. Insurance companies exert influence over the practice of medicine. Physicians must make their voices heard, or their futures will be determined by others.

A group of people in suits and ties are posing for a picture.

Types of Membership

A black and white drawing of a building with columns on a white background.

Active Member

You hold full voting privileges in KCMS and receive free admission to most KCMS events. You also are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and on committees. Annual dues are $290 per year.

A black and white drawing of a medal with a ribbon.

Corresponding Member

You are automatically a corresponding member of KCMS if you are on the active medical staff at one of the four area health systems where KCMS has partnership agreements. 

A black and white drawing of a graduation cap on a white background.

Student Member 

Students at any of the three medical schools in the Kansas City area are eligible. Dues are free, however student members may not vote or hold office.

A black and white drawing of a stethoscope on a white background.

Resident/Fellow Member 

This is open to licensed physicians serving full time in approved internships, residencies or fellowships. Dues are free, however resident/fellow members may not vote but can hold committee and leadership positions designated for residents/fellows.

A line drawing of a badge with a picture of a person on it.

Life Member 

If you are 60 years or older, you can pay three years’ dues ($870 total) for lifetime privileges of committee service and voting.

A black and white drawing of a person on a white background.


Open to licensed physicians age 60 and older practicing less than 20 hours per week. Dues are free, however you may not vote or hold office.

A Voice for Medicine

Your membership in the Kansas City Medical Society helps to provide a voice for medicine. We provide a forum through which physicians can advocate for the future of medicine and the health of our patients across Kansas City. As a member of the Kansas City Medical Society, you are joining with other physicians to help shape the medicine of tomorrow. Organized medicine can make a difference. Don’t sit on the sidelines … be involved in the decision-making process.

A current priority for the Medical Society is advocating for Medicaid expansion in Kansas and Missouri, so the most vulnerable in our community can gain access to needed medical care. At the state level, we work in affiliation with our respective state associations, the Missouri State Medical Association and the Kansas Medical Society. Learn more about advocacy.

Supporting Physicians

The Kansas City Medical Society supports physicians and their practices:

  • Educational seminars on practice trends and issues and networking events
  • Information links through the Society’s Facebook page and Twitter account
  • In-depth, informative articles on medical issues through the Society’s journal, Kansas City Medicine. You’ll find information on topics ranging from burnout to the opioid crisis, to diabetes care, and much more.

Hospital Partnerships 

Invest in your medical staff with a KCMS Hospital Partnership and help shape
the future of medicine and health in our community.

We partner with hospitals and health systems throughout the Kansas City Metro area to provide group memberships to their medical staff. You are automatically a corresponding member of KCMS if you are on the active medical staff of a KCMS hospital partner, and there are no annual dues. Corresponding members receive communication and resources including advocacy, member events and leadership development.

If you have any questions about how your organization can become a Partner, please contact our staff below:

Micah Flint, MPA, RN, DINPH

Executive Director

Thank you to our partners!

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